I am a 50-year-old male with no history of diabetes. In a routine lab test, my glucose level was 67 and fructosamine was 1.59 (within the expected range of 1.20-1.79 mmol/L). Should I be concerned about low blood sugar and get an A1C test done to reconfirm, or am I good?
April 13th, 2023
I asked the dentist to treat necrosis in my dorsi, which caught my attention that I entered immediately after the person who came before me. I did not see the doctor or help him. I changed some of the tools, but I did not care about the subject. I mean HIV. I also have this question and another question is whether fear and nervousness affect the heart and thanks.
March 16th, 2023
I have been diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer. I read about new chemotherapy treatments at Mayo. Is this treatment available everywhere or just at Mayo? Additionally, what is the new chemotherapy that makes some inoperable pancreatic cancers operable?
May 25th, 2024
Why would I have a weird fuzziness in my head, and when should I be worried about chest pain?
January 26th, 2023
Buenas tardes, alguien me podría explicar la ecografía de cadera de mi hija? Ella nació a término (39 semanas) y no tiene antecedentes familiares de problemas de cadera. ¿El problema podría ser debido a un retardo en la osificación de la cabeza del femur?
June 16th, 2023
What could a mildly positive ANA test indicate, especially in the context of Raynaud’s phenomenon, and what steps should be taken to manage it?
December 18th, 2023