I am experiencing numbness in my left hand and parts of my right side, including hands, legs, and knees. The numbness started last night and has occurred briefly in the past. I am a 58-year-old male with no history of medication use for this issue. My father and uncles died of severe heart attacks. What could be causing this numbness, and what should I do?
September 27th, 2023
I have a lump on my left collarbone that is movable, small, and has been present for a year and a half. It is soft and not painful. What could this lump be and should I be concerned?
July 25th, 2023
My wife was diagnosed with Cellulitis over a year ago and was prescribed various steroid creams, which did not work and caused her lips to thin. She now experiences severe tightness and irritation on her lips. How long will it take for her lips to recover, and is the thinning of the skin permanent?
February 29th, 2024
What are the best diets to fight inflammation and prevent arthritis?
January 24th, 2024
I am a 53-year-old female who had a partial hysterectomy 18 years ago. Yesterday, I experienced sudden low back pain on the left side that radiates down my left hip and across my lower back, and today I feel bloated and my left ovary hurts when pressed. I did not have ovarian pain until today. Is this something that warrants medical attention?
October 19th, 2023
I have a clear discharge from my penis after urination. This has recently become more frequent and seems new since it used to only happen after straining to defecate. I have an enlarged prostate, am 43 years old, and have been tested for STDs, all negative. What could be causing this and what should I do?
January 25th, 2023