I had a pneumothorax in my left lung nearly 40 years ago and have been a non-smoker for 27 years. Recently, I had a CT scan of my abdomen that showed mild discoid subsegmental atelectasis in the left lower lobe. I also had a chest X-ray a month ago that showed no signs of atelectasis. Could this atelectasis be related to the original pneumothorax, the endoscopy, the sedative propofol used, or a recent cold and cough?
April 11th, 2023
I have pain in the area of my neck where the arrow is pointing. The pain is superficial and feels like soreness when touched or rubbed. There is no obvious redness. I have recently developed a habit of clearing my throat loudly and hard, and my wife says I snore loudly at night. What could be causing this soreness and how can it be addressed?
August 3rd, 2023
I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety and played 3 games of softball today with minimal contact, mostly sliding. I came home with pain on my lower rib, feeling like a bruised area that hurts when pressed. My left abdominal area also looks swollen, and I have left shoulder pain, which could be due to being sore from the games. I don’t feel pain when breathing. Should I be worried that it’s a ruptured spleen?
August 25th, 2023
Can vitamin B12 and D deficiency be a sign of an underlying illness, especially if I'm not absorbing them in the gut? I'm a 54-year-old female with no history of bariatric surgery, and I'm waiting for my blood test results.
January 25th, 2023
On the side of my foot, there is a small hard bump that occasionally causes pain when I walk on it. It does not hurt when I squeeze it. I do a lot of peloton cycling and exercise, so not sure if it is a corn?
October 9th, 2023
My son is sick and I need to get him some antibiotics and steroids for a suspected sinus infection. He has a small fever, a headache, and a lot of mucus. He has ADHD and takes Adderall 20mg and 30mg. What over-the-counter options can help, and what dosage should he take if he is 9 years old?
July 4th, 2023