I have a blood pressure of 94/60 and a pulse of 50, feeling sluggish. I have been experiencing fatigue for the last few weeks, but the concerning blood pressure and pulse for the last few days. I am 49 years old, in perimenopause with related fatigue, joint pain, and hot flashes. I had high heavy metal levels 10 years ago. I recently moved from 9000 feet to sea level and started progesterone last night. What could be causing these symptoms and what can I do about it?
January 8th, 2023
Is it concerning (cancer concerning or anything serious) to have narrow stool, some abdominal pain not in a certain place, and a little mucus not every time? I do not have a healthy diet, mostly consisting of eating out with little veggies or fruit.
January 16th, 2024
I am scheduled for a thyroid nodule scan uptake due to calcification and moderate blood flow. I have had the nodules for a while, and the last biopsy was benign. I currently have an upper respiratory infection and possibly a sinus infection. Will these infections affect the scan results, and should I reschedule the test?
June 21st, 2023
Can I please get a second opinion on some discharge I am having?
August 9th, 2024
I got bitten by a big dog while visiting Vancouver. The bite didn't bleed, but I have bruises and ache-stabbing pain in my leg. I'm 43 years old and currently using Avdil. Do I need any injections or vaccines for this?
December 30th, 2024
My brother, age 62, has stage 4 pancreatic cancer that has spread to his lung and bone. He recently completed 6 rounds of chemo, and is now on his second round. During his off week from chemo, he is experiencing intense coldness and shaking, which he cannot control. Is it safe to assume this is a chemo side effect, or could it be a sign of something more serious?
September 2nd, 2024