I have had pitting on a few nails on and off for 20 years. Now I have noticed small spots of blood near the tips of my thumbs. Can this be nail psoriasis? I am worried about it manifesting into psoriatic arthritis. So worried the small splinter hemorrhage could be a sign of something worse.
November 28th, 2024
I have an extremely bad earache that has been ongoing for about two weeks, worsening recently, and it hurts even when I chew. The pain is localized in my right ear and is a constant sharp pain accompanied by a throbbing headache. I am not taking any pain medications and I am 60 years old. What could be causing this and what can I do to alleviate the pain?
November 11th, 2024
Can I give my 3-year-old child both a fever reducer like Tylenol and children's melatonin to help him rest, given that he has a cold with a fever of 101°F and doesn't like children's Nyquil but loves daytime Tylenol cold and flu for children?
August 26th, 2023
Is it possible to limit the detection time of drugs in the system with an immunoassay drug test, such as making it only 'look back' 80 hours?
July 21st, 2023
I’m still so worried that the muscle twitches are only in my left leg. From what I’ve read, BFS (Benign Fasciculation Syndrome) is diffuse. So is that ruled out in me? Additionally, I seem to be having pain in my hands and feet (finger and toes) - migratory type pain. I’m not sure if those are cramps. I’m also concerned about the sensation in my leg being from many small twitches and whether an EMG would pick up all this twitching. Lastly, I’m wondering if the difficulty I have hopping up steps on one foot is a cause for concern and if my symptoms are concerning without knowing my past history.
August 12th, 2024
I accidentally took 15mg of phenobarbital last night and now have a severe headache. Is it okay to take 15mg of codeine for the headache?
September 6th, 2023