I have numbness in my left arm from shoulder to thumb that lasts for one or two minutes, accompanied by pins and needles feeling, occurring all day and night. The sensation lasts longer if seated but stops if I stand up. This is really painful. What could be the cause and what should I do?
April 11th, 2024
Had Gall Bladder removed 4 weeks ago. Now I have skin itching off and on all over my body. Why? How long will it last? What can be done to stop it?
November 19th, 2024
When pregnant, what are the typical changes in discharge, how should one interpret different types of discharge, and what are the guidelines for sexual activity during both normal and high-risk pregnancies?
September 22nd, 2024
I have severe abdominal pain and bloating nearly every day. I also experience diarrhea with a lot of mucus in my stools. I am 18 years old, my periods started when I was 13, they are heavy, last about 9 days, and are irregular. I am not currently taking any medications, but I have tried various IBS tablets without relief.
January 23rd, 2024
What is spinal stenosis and what treatment options are available for someone with cervical stenosis who has had a history of back injuries and is currently taking Hydrocodone?
December 26th, 2023
I had my thyroid gland removed and 4 days later, I still have a high-pitched, almost cartoon-like voice. Has anyone experienced serious voice problems post-op and if so, did they improve, and how much over what amount of time?
January 16th, 2023