I've recently found blood in my stool, which is bright red and has continued for three days without pain. I have a history of using herbal laxatives (aloe and rhubarb root) to stay regular. Additionally, I ate extremely spicy food two days in a row prior. What could be causing this and what should I do?
May 25th, 2023
I’m a 57-year-old woman in California who recently developed symptoms of bronchitis after a family gathering. I’m experiencing intense coughing with spasms, phlegm, chest tightness, and mild fever (which has resolved). The mucus is thick, a mixture of clear and yellowish, and there's post-nasal drip but no stuffy nose. I’m diabetic, controlled by Metformin and diet, and I take medications for depression, fibromyalgia, and hypertension. What is the standard protocol for treating bronchitis in my case?
March 4th, 2023
My left eye has been giving me some trouble. I have been getting lots of sleep in it when I wake up. During the day it waters and gets gunk up. When I rub it, it burns a little. Is the white of your left eyeball itself, blood shot red? Are you experiencing any blurry vision from that eye? Any sneezing or watery runny nose? Do you have any medical problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes etc.?
September 7th, 2023
I have a chronic productive cough that I manage with albuterol solution via nebulizers for pulmonary hygiene. My pulmonary function tests are normal, and I have no wheezing. Is there a diagnostic code available for persistent chronic cough or for pulmonary hygiene?
February 23rd, 2024
Is the new time-release corticosteroid Zilretta as good as advertised, and how does it compare to other treatments like triamcinolone?
September 8th, 2024
I have been experiencing dizziness and disorientation periodically over the last two months, with extreme disorientation, vomiting, and cold sweating on specific dates. I also have some ringing and buzzing in my ears, but no pain or pressure. My hearing has been tested and found to have loss over the last 8 months. My physician suspects Meniere's disease. Should I get an MRI to rule out other potential brain issues, or should I follow my physician's diagnosis of Meniere's disease?
May 15th, 2024