My husband is complaining of much soreness and hardness on the upper right side of his chest. He also has been told that he has a nodule on his left lung. He is jumping to the conclusion that he has cancer. I am asking if maybe it is sarcoidosis or something benign.
June 26th, 2024
Within the last several years, whenever I consume crab, my tongue numbs shortly after and stays numb for one to two days. I am 60 and love crab, but now I consume much less. No other fish or shellfish has the same reaction. Is this an allergy I have developed or a toxin unique to crabs only? Can brushing my teeth and tongue shortly after consuming the crab lessen the symptom? Is there a drug I could take to counter the effects, like Claritin? Or, is this a precursor to something else?
December 9th, 2023
I had spinal decompression and interspinous spacer placement with a partial discectomy 5 weeks ago. I am now experiencing excruciating night muscular pain and being seized up. My current medications are 2x 500mg Solpodol 4 times daily and 500mg Naproxen twice daily, but they are not helping. I have been using hot water bottles and heat patches. What additional medications can I try for relief?
July 9th, 2023
I am currently taking Omega Q Plus and have just started taking HemClear, a capsule for hemorrhoids that contains mostly herbs and vitamins. I want to know if it is safe to take HemClear along with Omega Q Plus and if I can have a few beers while taking it. I have no health problems or other medications.
February 8th, 2024
Why do my hands shake in the morning and will the shaking ever go away? After a few drinks at night, the shaking stops.
April 1st, 2024
Should I be worried that I now can’t bend my wrist as much as before since I’ve had my de Quervain's and ganglion removal just over 3 weeks ago? My wrist feels tight and I had some pain this morning, for which I took paradol.
September 20th, 2024