I had a 2-day period that was 5 days early. What could be the cause, and what steps should I take to determine the reason?
November 5th, 2023
I've been experiencing spotting for the past 3 days with mucus discharge, missed period for 9 days, and a negative pregnancy test. The discharge started 5 days ago and comes and goes, is white with a little pinkish tint, and has no odor. My last period started on April 17 and ended on April 21, and it comes regularly. I got an IUD on May 8. I also have cramping, back pain, and a temperature of 38°C, which I usually never get. I recently gave birth vaginally 2 months ago, and I am breastfeeding.
March 17th, 2023
I am experiencing a lot of pain near the vaginal opening and labias, which started about a week ago. The pain is constant and dull/achy, becoming more painful with movement or intimate touching. I have an IUD that has been in place for 3 years, and my sister has recently been diagnosed with ovarian/uterine cysts. What could be causing this pain?
January 27th, 2024
I had an extremely painful bowel movement with bright red bleeding. It felt like a tearing pain. It happened only twice and then went away. I gave birth a month ago. If the problem does not persist, should I attribute it to the pregnancy?
December 9th, 2023
I have recently tested positive for gonorrhea and my partner has tested negative. After my treatment, my results came back negative, but we were sexually active without condoms. Should my partner still be treated even if his test came back negative? Additionally, I am taking a gel antibiotic for BV. When am I allowed to have sex again, and should my partner be treated for BV if it returns?
August 14th, 2024
I have random discoloration next to the nipple of my breast, which is very unusual and has never happened before. The discoloration is not itchy or painful. What could this be, and should I see a doctor?
June 24th, 2023