I have been bleeding constantly for nearly 4 months, and before that, I kept spotting blood after sex. I am also extremely tired and a little depressed. What could this be, and what should I do?
December 25th, 2023
Do you know anything about the Plan B pill or Next Choice? I had unprotected intercourse yesterday and plan to take the pill today, but I am starting my birth control pill tomorrow. I took Plan B about a month ago. Could this interfere with anything or cause harm, such as blood clots? Should I postpone starting my birth control pill?
May 19th, 2023
Why do I get a terrible odor after my periods?
December 21st, 2023
I am experiencing sharp, constant pains in my right side that are shooting to my back. I had a cyst removed when I was 12, and I still have my ovary, but my appendix was removed. The pain does not burn or hurt when I pee. Where exactly is the pain, does it radiate to the groin, and what color is the urine?
July 15th, 2023
I'm ovulating right now and experiencing heavy bleeding with a very red hue, filling 2 tampons since last night. The bleeding has been stable but gradually becoming more red. I'm 19 years old and have Nexplanon, which I've had for over a year. Is this normal?
May 1st, 2024
I'm ovulating right now and experiencing heavy bleeding with a very red hue, filling 2 tampons since last night. The bleeding has gradually become more red but has stayed stable in flow. I'm 19 years old and have Nexplanon, which I've had for over a year. Is this normal?
February 27th, 2024