I have been experiencing irregular periods for about 8 years. I have two abnormal growing follicles on my left ovary, and I have seen several doctors without a clear diagnosis. I was on birth control for a year but stopped due to significant weight gain. I am currently taking only iron supplements and vitamins. What could be causing my irregular periods, and what further tests or treatments should I consider?
February 12th, 2023
My period is late. I have a 32-day cycle and my last period was on April 9th, lasting for 5 days. I tested positive on an ovulation test on May 5th. Me and my husband are trying to get pregnant. So far, I've had negative pregnancy tests and no period as of a couple of days ago. Could I be pregnant?
February 3rd, 2024
I took a pregnancy test after a missed period and had faint positives on multiple tests, followed by positive digital tests. I have symptoms like tenderness, heavy breasts, fatigue, mood swings, headache, lower back pain, sore legs, and warm flashes. Today, I experienced bleeding, not heavy, and I'm worried about what's happening. Should I be concerned, and is it okay to wait until my scheduled OB/GYN appointment?
April 10th, 2024
I am experiencing pain during intercourse for the first time, which started a week ago. The pain is dull and localized in the vagina. I am 35 years old, have no unusual discharge, genital redness/bumps/sores, urinary symptoms, abdominal cramps outside of intercourse, or fever. I have had one partner in the last 3-4 months and have not been diagnosed or treated for an STD. What could be causing the pain and what should I do?
September 11th, 2023
I am experiencing frequent heavy bleeding with blood clots and abdominal pain that is sharp and achy. The pain has been stable for months. I am 32 years old and have not undergone any investigations or treatments. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do next?
February 27th, 2024
Can a man have a trichomoniasis gene where they keep it in their body, and does this mean he will always have it and I'm going to get it every time I'm with him or is there such a thing?
December 26th, 2024