I recently missed my period and took 3 negative pregnancy tests while being consistent with my birth control (a generic for Tri Sprintec). I'm halfway through my new pill pack and feel continuously bloated and have some cramping. Is this normal?
April 1st, 2024
I have bleeding in my placenta and was told to avoid heavy lifting. How much weight is considered heavy lifting?
May 29th, 2023
Can my male partner infect me with Gardnerella vaginalis, causing bacterial vaginosis (BV)? I have only one partner and never had any problems until now.
April 28th, 2023
I have itchy and swollen labia. The itchiness comes and goes, and the area looks swollen and irritated. I've recently come off contraception and had my first period in 2 years about 6 weeks ago. I'm not pregnant and don't know if the itching is hormonal. What could be causing this and what can I do to alleviate it?
June 11th, 2023
I had an ultrasound showing a 1.7 cm complex follicle/corpus luteal cyst in the left ovary and fluid in the endometrial canal, with normal endometrial thickness. My period has been lasting 8-10 days instead of the usual 6-7 days, but it's still regular every 26-31 days. Should I be concerned about these findings, and is the cyst related to my prolonged periods?
October 27th, 2024
I had a positive LH surge this morning, but my husband is out of town until tomorrow night. Is it too late to conceive? I also had a chemical pregnancy 1 week and 6 days ago. Additionally, I took 2 pills of 75 mcg of Synthroid by mistake this morning. Is that dangerous? My HCG levels were 22 at 14 DPO. Does this mean the pregnancy won't work out? I also have some questions about ovulation, mucus charting, and pregnancy tests. Can you help?
March 7th, 2023