What are the recommended time intervals between pregnancies, and how do factors such as age, breastfeeding, and previous pregnancy complications affect the ability to conceive and the health of future pregnancies?
December 9th, 2023
I've noticed itching at the opening of my vagina when I wipe, which causes irritation. The itching doesn't occur during the day or in the shower, only when I wipe. I tried using Monistat, but it caused burning. Is this a sign of a specific condition, and what can I do to alleviate the discomfort?
July 18th, 2023
Is my hymen visible in the picture, and will it bleed during my first time having sex?
January 21st, 2024
I went to the hospital last week and was told I had a small ovarian cyst likely causing my pain. After visiting an OBGYN who said the cyst was too small to cause pain, another OBGYN suggested the cyst had ruptured after the hospital visit. I've been in pain for a week, with intermittent fever and elevated white blood cell count. Is this normal, and what else could be causing my pain?
April 1st, 2023
Can D-dimer still be elevated at 6 weeks 6 days postpartum, and if so, what could be the reasons for its elevation, especially in combination with long-term shortness of breath (SOB) and elevated platelets?
July 16th, 2023
I have been experiencing severe burning sensations on the tissue outside my vagina since March 2010. Despite normal test results and a normal biopsy, the burning persists and is more 'on' than 'off'. I have been treated for various conditions such as lack of estrogen, bacterial vaginosis, and yeast infections, but nothing has helped. Could this be a dermatology issue rather than a gynecology issue?
October 7th, 2024