For a Fiscal Year C Corp client whose tax year ended 5/31/2022, when completing the 2021 taxes for the owner/officer/shareholder, should I use his W2 payroll information for the 2021 return instead of apportioning his salary from 6/1/2021 to 5/31/2022?
December 9th, 2023
I'm in Madrid, Spain and I'm helping my grandmother get tax transcripts of my deceased grandfather for the years 1963 to 1965. How can I obtain these records?
November 3rd, 2024
How can I get forms to prepare my 2021 taxes? I filed an extension and live in Florida, but they must be mailed tomorrow.
October 27th, 2024
I have changed my email address, phone number, and gone through a separation. I don't remember my password or username for my IRS account. I need a PIN to get my IRS refund. Can you help me?
June 3rd, 2024
How much would I be taxed on ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) shares after a divorce, and is there any additional penalty tax for early distribution in the event of a divorce?
December 15th, 2024
I have back taxes to file. I want to negotiate to pay less than the amount owed. Should I send in all 3 returns then negotiate, or how would you recommend I proceed? I know there are programs to reduce the amount paid.
June 11th, 2023