How do railroad retirement provisions for total disability and occupational disability differ, and how is the total disability calculated?
July 5th, 2024
I am a home health care worker who has not been provided with a vendor ID. I am 76 years old, single (widowed), and made about $40,000 this year. I had $10,000 in medical expenses, including doctor bills. What should I do?
July 17th, 2023
I was supposed to receive my child tax credit on Friday. The portal indicated it was processed and should have been deposited into my bank account. However, my bank is not showing this transaction, and the account information is correct as it was last month. What should I do to get my tax credit?
October 26th, 2023
I didn't receive my $600 stimulus check. What do I have to do to get it?
January 23rd, 2023
We live in Ireland and purchased a condo. We are seniors, and our son lives in Van Nuys, California. Are there tax consequences for him (state or federal) if we add him to the title of our property or will our last will and testament leaving the property to him be better?
April 18th, 2024
I haven't received any stimulus payments. I filed my taxes in March 2021 and checked the status, which says I don't have to do anything. How can I claim the missing stimulus payments?
June 4th, 2024