I am a Brazilian with a B1 visa and plan to open an LLC in Nevada for business and real estate investing. I need to know: 1) the cost of accounting services for LLC maintenance, 2) if I can use the LLC account to pay for condo costs and expenses, 3) whether I need to open a personal bank account for daily expenses, 4) if I need to renew my stay every 6 months or if there are other visa options allowing longer stays, 5) the financial risks and costs involved in this plan, and 6) the best visa strategy for long-term presence in the USA.
October 25th, 2023
I accidentally paid my federal tax twice for the 2018 tax year. What should I do to get the overpayment refunded?
June 23rd, 2024
What is a bearer share corporation and how does it differ from a general corporation with common shares? Additionally, how can shares be registered if they haven't been issued yet?
June 9th, 2023
Do you have to show your Social Security income when seeking financial assistance to save your home?
October 16th, 2023
I am being laid off and need to sell my stock options before mid-April to avoid losing them. My taxable income last year was about $118k, and this year it may be slightly higher. The options are worth around $44k, and the stock price is rising. I am concerned about selling due to potentially moving into a higher tax bracket. Should I sell the options now, or wait until next year when my income might be lower? My current income this year is $168k, expected to reach $180k by year-end, and my wife's income is $5k. We file jointly.
May 30th, 2024
I want my 2019 tax withholding to be close to break-even at tax time. I used the IRS online calculator but am unsure if I provided the correct data for accurate results. My last year's gross income was $84,551, and this year's expected gross income, including a bonus, is $95,324.
September 24th, 2023