I'm traveling to an antique show as a vendor. Are my travel expenses deductible, and how should I claim my income?
March 18th, 2023
I need a copy of my 2019 tax return. Which form do I need to retrieve it?
May 21st, 2024
I have withdrawn from one of my ROTH IRA accounts this year and am considering withdrawing from the other. I know there is a 10% early withdrawal fee, but am I subject to any other fees or penalties at tax time? Additionally, could this early withdrawal affect my eligibility for certain tax write-offs related to my Rideshare job?
May 2nd, 2023
I sent my tax refund back due to a mistaken belief of a typo error, and now I have code 1211. It has been 4 months since the refund was returned. I received a verify your ID letter from the IRS, and another letter stating a resolution would be provided within 60 days. It has now been over 60 days, and I am concerned about the delay. What should I do?
April 23rd, 2024
I need a copy of my 2021 1099. How can I obtain it?
April 29th, 2023
What are the tax rules for obtaining a deduction for charitable donations if I made a large donation from savings, my income is from a government pension and social security, and I file as a single person in Oshkosh, Wisconsin?
November 11th, 2023