My Facebook account was hacked, and the hacker changed my phone number. I've been unable to get a working authentication code, and the system-generated codes I've received haven't worked. I've reported this to Facebook, checked for tampering in my other online accounts, changed my passwords, and submitted my ID multiple times with descriptions. I've also tried the suggested recovery methods and escalation links provided by Facebook and JustAnswer. How can I recover my account, and how do I receive a refund and cancel my service if the provided solutions do not help?
January 11th, 2024
My husband passed away and I don't know his Facebook password. I don't have an email address or phone number linked to the account, but I am logged into the account on another device. What can I do to recover the account?
March 4th, 2024
I'm trying to log into my Instagram account but am not receiving the SMS for 2-step verification. I've tried resetting the password, but it hasn't worked. What else can I do to resolve this issue?
May 12th, 2023
I am having trouble accessing my Google Account because it says my password is incorrect, even though I have it written down. I recently connected my laptop and noticed I am logged into someone else's email. I cannot retrieve my messages and am unsure how to switch to my own account. I do not have a mobile phone but have a wall phone. What should I do to recover my account and remove the other person's account from my computer?
August 27th, 2023
Can I have a phone number for discrepancies on my Visa card for a Kobo item I didn’t receive?
June 25th, 2023
I have a Royal mess. I think I have been scammed and all my channels have locked. To unlock them, they are trying to charge me a fee (on each channel) and they want a credit card number to do so. My daughter is in Utah and I am on her computer (her mother, 74 years old) now trying to straighten this out. Please help me.
September 26th, 2023