I just started birth control (Isibloom) on Sunday night, the same night I got my period. I had sex with my boyfriend while still on my period, and he accidentally finished in me, so I took Plan B the next day. How will this affect my menstrual cycle or change how the birth control works?
March 29th, 2023
I received a faint positive on an HPT on the day of my missed period. Every day since with follow-up tests, I've gotten varying results. I have a history of multiple pregnancies, including two miscarriages and one chemical pregnancy. I had a baby nine months ago through IVF. What could be causing these varying test results, and should I be concerned about a potential chemical pregnancy?
January 27th, 2024
I am 47 years old and experience heart palpitations before, during, and after my period. They only occur during those times and can last for a few hours. Is this normal for women, or is it related to peri-menopause? My thyroid has been checked and is normal.
February 4th, 2023
I am 5 weeks pregnant, and I had an ultrasound that showed nothing in the uterus but some thickening around it and 3 fluid-filled follicles on my right ovary, which are unusual. I want to know if these cysts could have caused me to skip my period and have a positive home pregnancy test (HPT). I did 7 HPTs over a week, and the test line got darker, indicating rising HCG levels. I am unsure if these cysts are follicular or corpus luteum. I have no abdominal pain, bleeding, or spotting, but I have slight pain on my right side where the ovary is located. What are the chances that these cysts made me skip my period and have a positive HPT, and do the HCG levels in corpus luteum cysts rise?
August 19th, 2024
I have constant pain in the vaginal area, difficulty having intercourse, urine leakage, difficulty walking, constipation one minute and constant urination after a bowel movement. I no longer can walk distance, aerobics, water aerobics, difficulty sitting, only position comfortable is laying down. I am taking 5tylenols a day and still cannot handle the pain. I suffer with chronic pain, bilateral epicondylitis which I cannot even feel compared to this. I picked up lab report today that says fibroid 5x9x6mm left uterus? and endometrium measures 1.4mm. Urologist report said cystocele, rectocele and prolapse uterus. Pessary put in yesterday and I want to scream in pain, cannot even drive my car today. I bend over and pain on left side of vaginal area and I can feel a lump. When I urinate any time its okay at first and then burning pain when finishing. I am so desperate as the pain is the worst I have ever felt and I have a high tolerance. Please help, what should I do?
December 12th, 2024
I tested positive for syphilis, despite being in a monogamous relationship and having no other sexual encounters outside of it. My partner tested negative for syphilis. How could I have contracted syphilis, and is there any other way of getting it, such as through swimming or using a public toilet?
February 11th, 2023